Saturday, July 6, 2013

To a Young Artist
Grab your hard hat.
Fill your lunch pail.
Heed what I say
And you won't be sorry.

Report for work.
Punch the time clock
At The Sisyphus
Company's quarry.

Pillow Talk: The Poets
Don't tell me that the early love
Of Ted and Sylvia wasn't wonky.
One of his nicknames for her was

Imminent Foreclosure
Young I chose to live in a tower.
Yes, of ivory was it made.
Old I learn there's a mortgage on it
And, yes, it must be paid.

The great poet does a thing that only
Rarely can be done if ever in prose:
He weaves a rug that you yourself will stain
And then in it he rubs your nose.

Kodak Moment
When George Eastman thought to put
Imaging in the hands of Everyman
He could never have known

That one day that same Everyman
Could carry around in his pocket
A camera in a phone.

Eternal Question
Macrobius wrote it down
In lingua Latina:
Ovumne prius fuerit
Aut gallina?

Though a translation you may
Neither need nor beg,
Here it is: what came first,
The chicken or the egg?