Thursday, August 5, 2010

Long Time No Verse Verse

The Wolf Lake Triolet
"I have never been east of Wolf Lake, Indiana..."
--Yvor Winters in a letter to Licoln Kirstein
Staying west of Wolf Lake, Indiana,
Winters criticized the immoral East.
He peeled down a poem like a ripe banana
Staying west of Wolf Lake, Indiana.
In corpore sano with a mens sana
He preached with the fire of a James Joyce priest.
Yes, staying west of Wolf Lake, Indiana,
Winters criticized the immoral East.

The Ringling Brothers had a sister,
Ida Loraina was her name,
And Katharine was sister to the Wrights,
They of aviation fame--

Continuing this little verse,
Teetering on the edge of prose,
Sadie was sister to the Warners,
Know to all the world as Bros.

But the Smith boys whom you know as

Bearded Trade and Mark?
Knowledge of any sister they may have had
Remains forever in the dark.

On Writing Conventional Poems
To drive a vehicle
That can burst away
With a hotrod's rubbery squeal,
One is not required
Every night at the track
To re-invent the wheel.

I tend my vineyard of verse
From dawn to the twilight hour,
But when it comes to harvest time
Every grape I pick is sour.

Like the Roman Roads
All Interstates and Autobahns
With their wide straightaways and inter-
Secting, overpassing loops

Were, let us never forget, originally
Designed by Wehrmacht and Pentagon
For moving quickly tanks and troops.

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